Umag ove godine domaćin najvećim svjetskim veteranskim natjecanjima

Umag ove godine domaćin najvećim svjetskim veteranskim natjecanjima

Umag će u 2021. godini biti domaćin pojedinačnom Europskom seniorskom prvenstvu (Grade 1000), dva timska i dva pojedinačna Svjetska prvenstva, (Grade World Championships) te ITF turniru GMP CUP (Grade S700). European Senior Championship najveće je godišnje Europsko pojedinačno seniorsko tenisko prvenstvo, događaj za koji se dobiva veliki broj bodova za rang-listu ITF-a. Prvenstvo će se održati od 7. do 13. lipnja u Umagu paralelno na dvadeset i pet teniska terena i to na ATP Stadionu i u Umag Tennis Academy u Katoru u 13 dobnih kategorija za muškarce i žene od 30. godine na više i to u muškoj i ženskoj pojedinačnoj konkurenciji, konkurenciji muških i ženskih parova i u konkurenciji mješovitih parova. Temeljem pokazatelja iz prethodnih godina, Tennis Europe očekuje, da će na prvenstvu u Umagu u 2021. godini, nastupiti između 400 i 500 igrača i igračica iz svijeta i iz Hrvatske. Naravno, uz igrače bit će i njihova pratnja od oko 200 osoba.

Svjetska prvenstva u 2021. godini, kao i Europsko seniorsko prvenstvo održat će se pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske.

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In 2021 in Umag, among others, the European Seniors Championships, Grade 1000, two team and two individual World Championships, Grade World Championships, and ITF tournament GMP CUP, Grade S700 will be held under the names as follows:

  1. 2021 European Senior Championship, Grade S1000, the largest annual European Individual Senior Tennis Championship, an event for which a large number of points are awarded in the ITF Ranking. The Championship will be held in 13 age categories for men and women from the age of 30 and over in the men’s and women’s singles competition, the men’s and women’s doubles competition and the mixed doubles competition.

Based on indicators from previous years, Tennis Europe expects that between 400 and 500 players from around the world and from Croatia will take part in the Championship in Umag in 2021. Of course, the players will have company and guests, which is an estimated number of 200 people. The championship will be held in Umag on twenty-five (25) tennis courts simultaneously, at the ATP Stadium and the Umag Tennis Academy in Katoro, from 7 to 13 June 2021.

The World Championships in 2021, as well as the European Championships, will be held under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

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